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TCX CONSULT (Tenacity CX) Privacy Statement

TCX Consult is a trading name used by Tenacity CX. Any reference to Tenacity CX within these policies refers to services provided by the trading name TCX Consult.

This Privacy Statement applies to Tenacity CX (ABN 65 615 242 469) and all related companies as defined under the Corporations Act 2001.

This Privacy Collection Statement explains how we collect information, including personal information, and how we maintain, use and disclose that information.

Protecting your Privacy

At Tenacity CX your privacy is important to us. We are committed to ensuring that your privacy is respected and maintained at all times.

This document provides some detail about your privacy rights along with our general rights and obligations in relation to the information we keep on record.

Information we collect about you

The type of information that we typically collect and hold will vary depending on our relationship with you. These relationships are generally categorised as:


We may also collect personal information from you if you contact us, for example by phone or email, and do not fall into one of the above categories.

If you are a candidate, we collect your personal information as reasonably necessary for us to determine your suitability for work with us or through us. The main types of personal information we collect about you as a candidate are:

Sensitive information is a special category of personal information. It includes information or an opinion about your:

We do not actively seek to collect sensitive information unless it is necessary for our business purposes. If we do have to collect sensitive information, we will do so in accordance with the APPs. Sensitive information will, in most cases, only be disclosed with your consent.


If you are our client, we collect information that is reasonably necessary for us to provide the best recruitment solutions for you and your business needs.

The main types of information we collect about you as our client are:


If you are a referee, we collect information that is reasonably necessary for us to determine a candidate’s suitability for work with us or through us.

The main types of information we collect about referees are:

Who will be collecting your personal and sensitive information

Your personal and sensitive information will be collected by Tenacity CX for its own use and on behalf of other members of the Tenacity CX Group, who might require access to your personal and sensitive information in connection with its recruitment services. Each time you visit our web site statistical data is collected. This data is not linked to a particular person and does not provide us with any personal information.


Personal and sensitive information will be collected from you directly when you attend an interview with one of our staff members. At this time, you will complete our registration paperwork or any other information in connection with your application to us for registration.

Personal and sensitive information will also be collected when:


Personal and sensitive information will be collected from you directly when you attend an interview with one of our staff members. At this time, you will complete our registration paperwork or any other information in connection with your application to us for registration.

Personal and sensitive information will also be collected when:


If you are a client the ways in which we collect information about you are when:


If you are a referee the ways in which we collect personal information about you are when:


If you are a participant the ways in which we collect personal information about you are when you:

How we obtain your personal information

We obtain most of your personal information directly from you, for example:

We also collect some of your personal information from third parties including:

Why We Collect Your Personal Information

Tenacity CX collects personal information about you to carry out its business functions and fulfill its obligations to you, including in relation to:

In addition, Tenacity CX may occasionally be required by law to collect, use and disclose your personal information, for example in order to comply with the requirements of government departments for business data

Use and Disclosure of Your Personal Information

Your personal information may be disclosed to:

How does Tenacity CX protect the security of your information

We take all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. We have a number of safety measures in place to protect your information. For example, your personal information is stored in secured offices and in computerised databases which require a log in and password to gain access.

Access to the database is only available to those who require such access. All staff are bound by a confidentiality agreement regarding company and customer information. Visitors to our premises are always accompanied by a member of staff for the duration of the visit.

We use secure methods to destroy or de-identify personal information as soon as the law permits and provided that the information is no longer needed by us. When you advise us that you are no longer looking for work opportunities and therefore do not wish to be registered with us, we will de-identify your data base record and destroy your personal information, unless you advise us otherwise or unless it is a requirement by law such as retained tax/wages information.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

Tenacity CX may vary this Privacy Statement and the Tenacity CX Privacy Policy from time to time. The most current version of this Privacy Statement and the Tenacity CX Privacy Policy can be obtained by sending a request to

If you have any questions in relation to privacy or wish to make an access request or a privacy complaint, please contact the Privacy Officer Nick Walker (02) 9267 0984 during normal office hours 9.00am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.